Founded in 1777, the Saint Clare of Assisi Parish is an ethnically diverse Catholic community of faith, united in worship, discipleship and service. In welcoming immigrants, newcomers and strangers, we strive to live these virtues so as to be the face of Christ, becoming a sign of unity and an instrument of God’s peace in the world.

Fr. Victor Ordination Anniversary - June 1

Come join us and show Father Victor our appreciation for all that he does in service to God and our Parish on June 1 at the 5pm Mass (reception to follow). Your presence is his gift, but there will be a basket at the reception if you would like to shower him with any congratulatory gift cards.

This special dinner is gratis and open to all parishioners. If you’d like to get involved or to obtain additional information – please email the Parish Pastoral Council at @ stclareparishcouncil@gmail.com. Please RSVP on the Event Page.


Our Parish depends on your support, please use this link to support our mission. This is a direct and safe way to give online. Thank you for your generosity.