Youth Ministry and Confirmation

Youth Ministry and Confirmation

For questions or accommodations, please contact our youth minister Ryan Bao ( | 408-728-5907)


If you are in need of scholarship or would like to help fundraise, please contact or complete the interest form.

Confirmation 2024

Please visit this section for Confirmation Updates and links.

Registrations have been closed. Please check back again at the end of the year for Confirmation 2025.


The Quinceañera is the celebration and blessing of a young woman in her passage from childhood to adulthood. St. Clare is welcome to celebrating this occasion of young woman in its community.

If you are interested and would like to begin the process of holding a Mass and blessing on the occasion of a Quinceañera, please contact Ryan Bao ( [eng/esp]).

Si interesa en el proceso de Quinceañera, contacta el ministro de jovenes Ryan Bao ( o llama la oficina.

The typical Quinceañera process takes these steps:

  1. Completion of Quinceañera Form (ENG/ESP) and submission to office
  2. Initial meeting between Youth Minister, parents, and Quinceañera
  3. Formation preparation and meeting between Youth Minister and Quinceañera
  4. Rehearsal before the day of the Quinceañera
  5. Quinceañera