Founded in 1777, the Saint Clare of Assisi Parish is an ethnically diverse Catholic community of faith, united in worship, discipleship and service. In welcoming immigrants, newcomers and strangers, we strive to live these virtues so as to be the face of Christ, becoming a sign of unity and an instrument of God’s peace in the world.


Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Clare now open!

Welcome! Please fill out the form to register your child or yourself for Confirmation 2025. You will receive a confirmation email from Ryan within 24 hours of completion. For more information, go to our page stclareparish.org/ymc. View full Confirmation information Here:  If you need to pay for the Confirmation program, please click here.

Financial Report FY24

Watch our parish’s annual financial report given by our Finance Council Chair Jerome Alabado here. Read the Financial Update by clicking HERE

The Gospel of Peace Recording

Fr. John Dear Talk Recording Missed the talk? Watch the recording below! Peacemaker, author, and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Father John Dear, will bewith us to discuss his new book, his life’s work: The Gospelof Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective ofNonviolence. It is the first ever commentary on the Synoptic Gospels from theperspective of active nonviolence in the tradition of Gandhi and Dr. King. In thisoriginal work, Fr. John walks us through every line…


Our Parish depends on your support! You are now able to donate using Paypal and We Share. Please click on the links below to support our Mission. These are direct and safe ways to give online. You can also mail your donations to our parish. Thank you for your generosity!

Bible Study - "God: The Mystery of the Trinity in the Bible"

What do we mean when we say “God”?

Misconceptions about God abound, even among Christians, and these misconceptions can become obstacles in our relationship with God. Join Augustine Institute Assistant Professor Dr. Elizabeth Klein for a careful study of Scripture that will lead you to a deeper and clearer awareness of who God is, equipping you to share this truth with others.

Starting in the Old Testament, Dr. Klein presents what God says about himself at various points in salvation history, and how he revels to Israel that “the Lord is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). Moving to the New Testament, Dr. Klein shows how this one God then reveals himself as three. Along the way you’ll get answers to questions such as, How can God be transcendent and personal? If God is one, how can Jesus be God? What does it mean that “God is love” (1 John 4:8)? Why is the doctrine of the trinity the central mystery of our faith when the word “Trinity” never appears in the Bible?

Join us starting on Wednesday, January 22nd at 9 am or Thursday, January 23rd at 7 pm for this 9-week study.