Lenten Friday Soups

Lenten Friday Soups

Please join our Lenten Friday Soup Suppers. Each family or individual to bring at least enough soup for you to eat. You may want to bring more to share with others (and the recipe, please). Also, please bring your own bowls and utensils. Doing it this way should be a good guarantee that there will be enough soup for everyone. And it is more environmentally sensitive to use dishes and utensils that can be washed and used again. We will supply the French bread and butter and something to
drink. After our first go at this, on Friday, March 7, we will get a better sense on how it will work. We hope this communal event will help us in building community. . .a parish family from all of our families. We will conclude with Stations of the Cross at 7:30 in the church. Dinner, however, will be in the Parish Hall. Sandra Quintanilla is the main organizer for the Soup Suppers. Contact her if you have questions or suggestions (669-270-2702).