Bulletins from 2024 (Page 7)

Bulletins from 2024 (Page 7)

January 21st – Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

After the arrest of John the Baptist, Jesus takes up his proclamation, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” After that, Jesus immediately begins calling the disciples: brothers Simon and Andrew and then Zebedee’s sons, James and John. The response of these first apostles was not tentative, but definite: They abandoned their nets. . .[and] left their father. Moving from the Christmas Season into winter Ordinary Time, focusing no longer on the “Baby” Jesus, we encounter Him in the Scriptures, now as an adult at the beginning of His public ministry. As the Lord called the apostles and others to follow Him, so Jesus continues to call us. We follow by the way we live our lives, reaching out in what we now call “Christlike” ways as we serve most especially those in need. May our following be as total and complete as that of Simon, Andrew, James and John and all the other disciples.

January 14th – Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

This weekend, we hear God’s call to Samuel and Jesus’ invitation to Andrew and his brother, Simon Peter, to follow Him. As He did for the disciples, the Lord welcomes us to “come and see” Who He is. Jesus’ identity is defined by His relationship with the Father and by fidelity to the Father’s will. Later in the gospel, we hear Jesus tell the apostles, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” The relationship of the Jesus and His followers is modeled on the intimate union of the Father and the Son. By virtue of Baptism, we enter into communion with the Father and the Son, through the indwelling of the Spirit. Our Baptism is both invitation and pledge of God’s abiding presence in our lives. The Lord calls us and gives us the grace to be able to follow, to “come and see” and to “remain in Him.”

January 7th – The Epiphany of the Lord

Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you (Isaiah 60:1). The great feast of Epiphany is a celebration of the revelation of Christ, the Light, to the whole world. And more than that: “Nations shall walk by your light.” The appearance of the magi, offering gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah and a challenge for us to continue their work. The Light that shines upon us is not for our personal benefit. As bearers of the Light, we are sent to bring the light of faith to all. We are sent to be evangelizers, sharers of the Good News of Jesus, not simply by our word, but by our lives. This Monday, we will celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, marking the conclusion of the Christmas Season. We will then begin Ordinary Time, the periods throughout the year that observe not major feasts or seasons, but the ‘ordinal’ or ‘numbered’ (hence, “Ordinary”) weeks. On February 14, we will enter Lent on Ash Wednesday; Easter will be early this year, on March 31. We will not return to Ordinary Time until May 20, the day after Pentecost. Let us keep the feasts and seasons together, hearing the Lord’s word, celebrating the Eucharist and growing more and more as the people He has joined together in faith.