

Lenten Friday Soups

Please join our Lenten Friday Soup Suppers. Each family or individual to bring at least enough soup for you to eat. You may want to bring more to share with others (and the recipe, please). Also, please bring your own bowls and utensils. Doing it this way should be a good guarantee that there will be enough soup for everyone. And it is more environmentally sensitive to use dishes and utensils that can be washed and used again. We will…

ADA Campaign 2025

2025 Annual Diocesan Appeal – Supporting Our Mission Together Our Parish Goal: $200,000 Our Parish Participation Goal: 320 households The 2025 Annual Diocesan Appeal invites all Catholics to “support our mission together” to support the ministries, services, and programs offered by the Diocese of San José that in support of all parishes. Watch your mailboxes for more information regarding this once-a-year appeal! Please prayerfully consider your gift to support these important ministries. For information on the work of the Diocese,…

Financial Report FY24

Watch our parish’s annual financial report given by our Finance Council Chair Jerome Alabado here. Read the Financial Update by clicking HERE

The Gospel of Peace Recording

Fr. John Dear Talk Recording Missed the talk? Watch the recording below! Peacemaker, author, and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Father John Dear, will bewith us to discuss his new book, his life’s work: The Gospelof Peace: A Commentary on Matthew, Mark, and Luke from the Perspective ofNonviolence. It is the first ever commentary on the Synoptic Gospels from theperspective of active nonviolence in the tradition of Gandhi and Dr. King. In thisoriginal work, Fr. John walks us through every line…

2025 Saint Joseph Sunday Missal.

SAINT JOSEPH SUNDAY MISSAL Copies of the 2025 Saint Joseph Sunday Missal. The Missals are available for $5 each. Some are in the sacristy and will also be available in the office. OTHER SUPPLIES We also received a limited supply of candles for Advent Wreathes.They are shorter than expected – 5 inches – and will be available for $6 per set. You can pay in many ways, including PayPal/Venmo. Ordering early means that if we run out, there is still…

Faith and Racial Justice

Faith and Racial Justice: Changing Systems and Structures JustFaith Ministries offers an eight-session program in which we will learn about key obstacles to racial justice embedded within our institutions, systems, and structures. Racist systems and structures are inextricably bound to the problem of hunger and malnutrition. This program begins with a Racial Wealth Gap Simulation created by Bread for the World and NETWORK, a lobby for Catholic Social Justice, to help communities get to the heart of the problem. As…

Bible Study

Bible Study continues on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm on the selected dates. This is for any and all young people who want to start reading the Bible or take the next step in their faith. Join us!

Portuguese Council’s Community Picnic

Portuguese Council Sponsors a Community Picnic Our Portuguese Council invites you to a BBQ Chicken or Shish Kebab lunch on Sunday, September 22, from 12 noon until 1:30 pm. This includes sides and dessert. Tickets are available for $35 for adults and $15 for children under 12. Lunch will be served in the parking lot, near the tent. This is always a great opportunity to get together.
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