Events (Page 7)
Symbolon – The Catholic Faith Explained
Presenter: Trevor Burke Begins: September 21, 2016 Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am—Weds mornings Location: Rectory Conference Room Questions / Registration:
GHS Women’s Center’s Gala and Fall Fundraiser
The Guadalupe Hope Society, dba the, “GHS Women’s Center,” is a non-profit women’s Catholic Medical Clinic serving abortion vulnerable women in San Jose. GHS is located next to St. Martin of Tours in San Jose and was Blessed by His Excellency, Patrick McGrath, Bishop, San Jose Dioceses, on August 11, 2016. You are invited to lend support in “Defending the Defenseless” by attending the GHS Women’s Center’s Gala and Fall Fundraiser. Saturday, October 22, 2016, doors open at 6:00 PM…
Friends of the Poor Walk
Be a Virtual Walker and make an on-line pledge. Click here to register online and/or make a donation. Saint Clare Conference of Saint Vincent de Paul SVdP is a Catholic lay organization of volunteers who join together to grow spiritually & offer person to person aid to the needy who live in poverty. The walk is fun. There are no administration fees and all proceeds will directly benefit the needy within our parish boundaries. The programs include food pantry, housing assistance, clothing, transportation, utility costs,…
St. Clare Festival 2016
We treasure our St. Clare Festival beginnings. We look forward to making more nostalgic memories with our wonderful St. Clare community. Please join us this year to enjoy: Ethnic Food all weekend Carnival Rides & Games Non-stop Stage Entertainment for the entire family Outdoor Mass Sunday morning Admission is free! Friday, May 13 through Sunday, May 15 Friday, May 13: 5:00pm – 10:00pm Saturday, May 14: Noon – 10:00pm Sunday, May 15: Noon – 6:00pm See for more details.
Special Mass for the St. Clare Parish Festiv’all
There will be a special mass this Sunday at 11am for the St. Clare Parish Festiv’all. All are welcome!
St. Clare Parish Festiv’all
The parish festival dates back to 1946. The first year it was held at Naperdak Hall picnic grounds. The following year the festival moved to bare dirt and dust of what is now the current St Clare Parish barbecue area. The glorious Sunday chicken barbecue drew in the crowds bringing in over 2,000 people. The men of the parish collaborated as they built a pit in the dirt, lined it with bricks and covered the affair with a grill. Pat Ryan was the…
A Biblical Walk Through The Mass
Saint Clare Parish is offering a 5-Part study on The Mass. A Biblical Walk Through the Mass provides a unique tour of the timeless Liturgy as it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. We shall meet on five successive Friday evenings (April 17, 24, and May 1, 8, 15, 2015). Class begins at 7:00pm and concludes no later than 9:00pm.
The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study
The Great Adventure is a uniquely Catholic Bible study that follows the principles prescribed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dei Verbum (The Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation).
St. Clare’s is offering Step 1 of the Foundation Series in The Great Adventure Scripture series. The Foundation Series is a three-part program that integrates personal reading with studying the “big picture” of the Scriptural narrative in light of the Catholic faith.