Mass Times

Mass Times

Mass Schedule

Ash Wednesday

8:00 am (English)
10:45 (school Mass – English – all are welcome)
12:05 pm (Bilingual – English/Spanish)
6:00 pm (English)
7:30 pm (Spanish)
Ashes will be blessed and distributed during each Mass.

Saturday Vigil Mass

5:00pm – English (LiveStreamed and in-person)

Sunday Mass

7:30am – English

9:00am – Portuguesa

10:30am – English (Children’s Liturgy of the Word)

12:00pm – Español
(Liturgia de la Palabra
para Niños durante Misa de 12:00 p.m. (Tambien trasmitida en Español)

Week Days

Monday through Saturday 8:00 am

Holidays 9:00 am


Saturday 3:00-3:30pm

For other mass times wherever you may be, go to