

Through our Baptism, we are called to follow Christ in His service of others. Saint Clare Parish encourages prayerful and active participation as one way to live out that Faith. Volunteering your time to be involved in a parish ministry is a gift that parishioners of all ages and abilities can participate in.

If you are ready to answer the call to serve, click here for detailed information on Saint Clare’s various groups and ministries.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Server: Altar Servers serve for Sundays, Holy Days, funerals, wedding liturgies, and Masses with Saint Clare School. This is a great way to be involved and to learn more about the Mass. This ministry is open to youth in at least the fourth grade who have received First Communion. Training is provided.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Extraordinary Ministers assist in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass and to the homebound. This ministry is available to active, parishioners who have celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Training session required.

Lectors: Lectors proclaim God’s word on Sundays and at special liturgies, approximately once a month or at daily Mass, once a week. Lectors also proclaim the General Intercessions at Mass. This ministry is available to active parishioners who have strong grasp of the written word and a demonstrated ability for public speaking. Training session required.

Hospitality Ministers/Greeters/Ushers: Just like the community, hospitality ministers are friendly, caring, and welcoming. They greet and welcome all who  enter the church. They assist people in seating and directing the Communion procession and much more.  Commitment is approximately 90 minutes per Sunday scheduled. A great opportunity for families and those trying ministry for the first time.  

Music Ministry: Music is an integral part of our liturgical celebrations. Saint Clare Parish has a long tradition of excellent leadership and participation in the music at liturgies. There is always a need for cantors, instrumentalists, and choir members. English choirs sing at the 7:45am, 9am, and 5:30pm Sunday Masses. Rehearsals are held on Sundays immediately after 10:30 am mass (11:45-12:45pm) in the main Parish Hall. No audition is required for choirs; simply come to rehearsal and meet with the Music Director. Contact: Christopher Wemp at

Faith formation Ministries

Liturgy of the Word with Children: A proclamation of the Word of God adapted for children, it is celebrated at the 10:30 am Sunday mass. Catechists offer the opportunity for children to hear the readings of the day in language they can understand and to reflect on it in ways that make it more meaningful for them. Catechists lead children (age 5-12) in celebration in a separate room in the lower worship space. Assistants accompany children during transitions and help them to participate. Weekly resources and training are provided. A background check and Safe Environment Training are required.

Catechism for Baptism, First Communion, First Reconciliation: Educating and forming our young people ensures life to our faith for generations to come. Catechism for our children prepares them for their Baptism, First Communion, and First Reconciliation. Meetings are every Sunday at 9am. If you are interested in becoming a catechist, please contact Sandra Quintanilla.

Bible Study: Bible study is an 11-week study focused on the Bible readings and it varies from year to year; this is an excellent way to grow deeper in your faith through a small faith-sharing group. We started on January 17, 2024, and we will meet on Wednesdays at 9 am and on Thursday nights at 7 pm in the Rectory Conference Room. Click HERE to register.

Young Ladies Institute (YLI): The Young Ladies’ Institute was founded on September 5, 1887, in San Francisco. Our Institute at Saint Clare’s was established on August 14, 1925, so we are celebrating our 95th year! The YLI meets on the third Monday of every month with a 6:30 Social, followed by the Rosary and a Business Meeting. Contact Dolores Wriglesworth:

Knights of Columbus: The Saint Clare Chapter of Knights of Columbus is a men’s faith and fellowship organization that leads many events and organizes fundraisers throughout the year to support local charities and our community.Their largest annual event is the parish crab feed: Tony Colombo at

Sacramental ministries

OCIA:  Become a volunteer to help those that are entering or continuing on the journey of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly RCIA). Become a sponsor or help to support the formation of these adults throughout their journey. Contact Diane Madruga at or St. Clare Rectory at 408-248-7786.

Youth Ministry and Confirmation Leadership: As Christ walked along his disciples to Emmaus, we are called to accompany our young people in their journey of faith. Our youth ministry is year round while our 1-year Confirmation Program begins in January and ends in October. We are always looking for help to lead our young people to Christ. If you are interested, please contact Ryan Bao our Youth Minister.

Community outreach ministries

Social Justice CommitteeThis group works to bring to light issues within our community, in which we can be stronger participants in respecting the value of all human life. The committee organizes fair trade markets and helps support homeless shelters and services along with other local Catholic organizations. Contact Anne McMahon at

JustFaith begins another module in the parish at the end of January. Everyone is invited to join our next offering from JustFaith Ministries “Faith and Racial Healing.” The eight-session course will meet in-person every other week on Monday evenings beginning in late January.

St. Vincent de Paul: Mick Gonzales, (408) 645-0506