Young Adult Survey

Young Adult Survey

We are Listening!

On Saturday, September 21, 2024 at Archbishop Mitty High School, over
350 delegates from our parishes, schools, Catholic movements, and
organizations will gather to represent the diversity of young adult (18-35)
experiences in the Diocese of San José.

Young Adults (18-35) are invited to share their perspectives and experiences with the Catholic Church and provide feedback and direction for the Bishop and the pastoral plan implementation team to consider as the diocese develops a young adult
ministerial plan as part of a pastoral plan for the spiritual renewal of our

Online Survey

The online survey is open to ALL young adults aged 18-35 who live, work, or attend school in Santa Clara County. The U.S. bishops define young adults as individuals in their late teens, twenties, and early thirties, representing diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, educational, vocational, social, political, and spiritual backgrounds. They include college students, workers, professionals, military personnel, singles, married individuals, divorced or widowed persons, and those with or without children. The survey is designed to ensure everyone’s voice is heard.


During our diocesan synod general assembly and pastoral planning process,
we heard a strong desire to increase support young adults in
parish life. Recent studies have shown a steady decline in young adult
participation in church activities, with six out of ten teens involved in church
activities in high school not continuing to actively practice their faith into
early adulthood.

We want to understand this shift from the young adults perspective directly. The
body of Christ needs the energy, creativity, and talents that Young Adults
bring. Already, you are seen as leaders in business, innovation, sports,
entertainment, and culture. We want to encourage you to dream also of
leading the Church into a bright future.


Assembly Delegates must be between the ages of 18 to 35.

Each Parish and University Campus Ministry is allotted five (5)
Each Catholic Elementary and High School is allotted one (1) Educator
delegate & one (1) Parent delegate.
If not applicable to secondary high schools, they are allotted two
(2) Educator delegates.
Each approved Catholic Movement and Organization is allotted two (2)
All priests 35 years old or younger will be invited to be delegates.
If a parish, school, or movement doesn’t submit the names for all of
their allotted slots, those slots will be open at the end of June on
this webpage for any young adult in the diocese to sign up to

Click here to view the Youth Assembly Delegate Nomination Guidance.